Chuck the glass! Live YOUR Design:
Chuck the glass! Live YOUR Design:

Chuck the glass! Live YOUR Design:

Reality isn’t always easy to face. But I’ve discovered that it beats the illusion of the glass half-empty, half-full approach to life!

  1. FACE reality instead of escaping into the illusion of “Life sucks and it always will (glass half-empty);” – or – “See no evil; hear no evil (glass half-full).”
  2. FEEL reality:  happy, sad, angry, depressed, elated
  3. LIVE reality:
    a. Specifically name obstacles that are keeping you from reaching your goals; make choices to either go around them, through them, over them.
    b. Stop LOOKING for problems when there are none; instead, enjoy the beauty of the here and now.
    c. Stop AVOIDING pain; instead grieve your loss.
  4. FIND people and God who accept you where you’re at AND who refuse to stand by and watch you destroy yourself or someone else when you do life with the glass half-empty/half-full approach.

Im hoping my share will spark or trigger your insight and passion and more! With that said:

  • How do you perceive reality? What’s coming up for you?
  • How do you feel?
  • What changes might you need to make?
  • How do you harm yourself or others when you don’t face the reality of what’s happening in your life or in theirs?

Note: Those of you who relate most to Enneagram Type 7 and Type 4 struggle the most with the “glass half -empty/half-full” approach to life.

  • Type 7’s struggle with facing the emotional pain that occurs when “life happens”; they often deny it exists. They fear that if they experience emotional pain, it will invalidate or minimize the reality of happiness they enjoy.
  • Type 4’s struggle with facing the joy that occurs when “life happens”; they often deny it exists. They fear that if they experience joy, it will invalidate or minimize the reality of emotional pain they are suffering.


    1. Pam Merten

      Thanks so much! We now have a “subscribe” button. I plan on uploading my “old” articles – like this one – and creating new articles and podcasts.

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