I understand the desire to find out what the person or group who has betrayed me is up to. I get it! And, when I’ve let that desire control my actions, I’ve suffered greatly, mainly because I discover via social media and via other methods of stalking, that they are happy! How can that be?! Resentment replaces the grieving process I need to heal my broken heart.
I think the boundary in Proverb 26:17 is relevant for the broken hearted!
I use the New American Standard Bible: I needed to first find out how “like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears” correlates with “is he who passes by and meddles with strife not belonging to him”.
I’ll be asking my husband what translation fits best with the original language of the text; but since he is not available right now, here are two translations that make more sense!
Proverbs 26:17: Good News Translation
Getting involved in an argument that is none of your business is like going down the street and grabbing a dog by the ears.
Proverbs 26:17: NET Bible
Like one who grabs a wild dog by the ears, so is the person passing by who becomes furious over a quarrel not his own.
Boundary tip: Especially during what may be an emotionally painful holiday season this year, gift yourself by NOT grabbing a stray dog by the ears. What others who have hurt us are feeling or doing is not our business! Let the stray dog pass by!